Tuesday, November 10, 2009

On November 10, I made texture!

In my 2D Design class, we're working on the element of texture. Today the teacher had some pictures she'd copied and cut into quadrants. Each of us had to take a quadrant, mount it on black railroad board (thicker than poster board but similar) and cover it with texture. We embellished with ribbons, rice, corn, leaves, bubble wrap, burlap, anything! We then put the quadrants back together to make new pictues. There were quite a few students missing today because of the tropical storm so for those of us who were there, we get extra credit for this project. Here are the completed designs. They are just mounted on another piece of railroad board with pushpins. Mine is the first picture, upper left quadrant.

It was a fun project and so interesting how different students interpreted the textures and colors. Try making some texture today!
I'm going to consider this an EDM challenge also, #62 Draw a previous challenge in a different medium than you usually use, since I've already done #24 Draw a piece of fruit.


  1. What a cool project! Oh, the many interesting things that this idea could lead to...

  2. Hi, I'm in the pleinairsouth group and wasn't able to go to the MBG today. Sorry to have missed meeting you. I'm enjoying your blog and wondered where you are taking the 2D design course.

  3. Thanks, Jami. I took the 2D class at South Alabama last semester. I took this semester off but I'm thinking of taking a class in the summer. Look forward to meeting you soon.
